Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday evening....

Wonderful time at the beach with host church celebrating Puerto Rico Constitution Day, praying, and meeting people. Left beach at 5:15 and got back to Caguas at 7:30.  Absolutely crazy driving in Puerto Rico.  Groups got split up with 3 cars arriving together but one got split off and is 3o mins behind us.  Please pray for safe travel!

Additional summary of today: We divided up into serving teams and painted, cleaned and scraped today before we headed to the beach for the holiday. We met up with our host church at the beach and many cool things are happening!  Service group got sweet bread that the people blessed in Hebrew.  We gave some to a homeless guy.  We met a guy who has a job offer in Iowa!  We were able to do a prayer walk on the beach and for fun....there was a wall the kids could jump and dive off into the ocean.

Tomorrow is a bigger service day and culture night.  We are all learning unbelievable patience! : )

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