Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday afternoon....

Great morning painting, laying cement block and applying concrete finish at Bethel Learning Center and Country School.  Temps are a little cooler at 95 : ) We are building relationships and making new friends. We have learned that soccer is not very popular here. Baseball and basketball are the favorite sports. We will take a break from 2:30 - 4:30 to rest and recover from heat.  Then we are headed downtown for ice cream and cultural dancing. Please continue to pray for God's guidance and hand of protection, pray for open, teachable spirits on behalf of the team and the people here.  Pray for the leaders, who are a little stiff from sleeping on concrete floors! Makes you appreciate the little things. : )  I'm going to see if I can post pictures here - if not check out New Hope Youth Group facebook group page for photos of work crews.

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